Become a Supporter

Soul Alphabet is a collective body of work that supports our Bla(c)k and brown community through art, music and other creative work. Across the 5 years we have been around, more than 90% of the work that has taken place has been done Independently (no external funders and/or sponsorships). Every event and project we work on is a labour of love and we have launched Soul Supporters to sustain this work through the years to come.

How are Soul Supporter Funds Spent?

After payment service fees have been deducted by the payment option you choose i.e. Paypal, 80% of all Supporter funds then goes to supporting artists to program and curate events, workshops, exhibitions and projects. The remaining 20% goes towards covering marketing related costs and starting our seed grants which will be available for Bla(c)k and brown artists to apply for. These grants will support artists in the development of new work and ideas they would like to test out.